Thursday, September 25, 2008


When getting on an airplane, there are certain words that can cause a great amount of anxiety. "Please fasten you seat belt and make sure it's on tight because we're in for a bumpy ride." The stewardess was aware these words fell into that category.

My sister-in-law proceeded to tell me, in detail, about the flight "she will never take again." The short 48 minute flight increased her prayer life and gave her an appreciation for alternative travel arrangements when needed.

We laughed together when her ordeal was over, but I'm sure there was nothing humorous as the plane bounced her around.

Also, there was an added explanation for tightening her belt. "We don't want you to bump into anything." The stewardess said.

Makes sense. Bumping into things can cause bodily harm, especially when you are thousands of feet in the air. My guess is that everyone heeded the instructions they received; instructions that were there for their benefit and protection.

In Ephesians, we are instructed to put on the Belt of Truth. God probably wants us to put it on tight so it will keep us from bumping into some of the attacks that are meant to harm us.

The Christian walk can often times be a "bumpy ride." The Belt of Truth is something God gives to us for our benefit and protection.

I pray I remember to put it on every day...nice and snug.

Just a thought.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I think I'll write--"Wina, Can I see the white dog?"

In order to take time to write, I only need a few things; a place to write and a little quite.

"I don't know why your dog doesn't like peanut butter."

However, when a 5 year-old is sitting at your back--

"Why do you have small doggies?"
"Because I like small dogs."

As I was saying--
"Wina, my Mommy remembered my jammies. Remember, Wina, I have church tomorrow."


Let's try this again--

"Wina, what kind of chairs are over there?"

"The kind you sit on."

Ring, ring

"Your phone is ringing."
"I know the answering machine will get it."
"Remember Wina, I have church tomorrow."

"Wina, I love you."

Maybe now is not the time to write. I think I need to engage with my friend's 5-year-old daughter who is spending the night with us.

"Wina, check out the Lego thing I built."

I think I will.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Grace Abounds Here

Like a right of passage, we’ve all experienced it. Through sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, or tense muscles, being the “new kid on the block” has a way of expressing itself differently in each of our life.

Due to some circumstances out of my control and others that were not, I found myself rushing to teach my first class at a new location, with a new staff team, and new kids. Changing into my staff shirt in the bathroom, I was trying to convince myself that I was ready.

Sweaty hands—check.
Butterflies in the stomach—check.
Tense muscles—got’em.

My lesson plan was ready and the supplies I needed to teach were buried in the oversize bag I carried. Having taught the subject before didn’t remove the feeling of being a “newbie.”

As the principle walked by she stopped and smiled at me.
“You okay?”
“Trying to figure everything out.” I replied. My arms were loaded down with all of the information and notebooks I should have picked up long before that first day.

“You’ll do fine, grace abounds here.” She disappeared into the school office.

Grace abounds here. Wow.

With those three words, my entire day changed. My lesson didn’t go as planned, some of the kids asked about the previous teacher, but with an over abundance of grace everything was okay.

I pray not just in the new situations you encounter, but with the everyday patterns of your reality, that you will find grace abounding.

Let me end with my interesting revelation; once grace was extended to me, I was able to give it to myself. Maybe that’s where I should have started.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008