Saturday, September 13, 2008

I think I'll write--"Wina, Can I see the white dog?"

In order to take time to write, I only need a few things; a place to write and a little quite.

"I don't know why your dog doesn't like peanut butter."

However, when a 5 year-old is sitting at your back--

"Why do you have small doggies?"
"Because I like small dogs."

As I was saying--
"Wina, my Mommy remembered my jammies. Remember, Wina, I have church tomorrow."


Let's try this again--

"Wina, what kind of chairs are over there?"

"The kind you sit on."

Ring, ring

"Your phone is ringing."
"I know the answering machine will get it."
"Remember Wina, I have church tomorrow."

"Wina, I love you."

Maybe now is not the time to write. I think I need to engage with my friend's 5-year-old daughter who is spending the night with us.

"Wina, check out the Lego thing I built."

I think I will.

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