Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Write Now

There are times when I desire normalcy in my life, only to discover the one normal thing is the setting on my dryer. After another hectic week of school and activities, my children find their bedtime has been pushed back once again to complete assignments. I tell them, "Don't worry, next week will be a normal week." My twins nod and smile at me from behind red eyes and tired expressions.

I've told them that for almost a month. Last night I suggested we figure out how to change our normal.

Activities will always be apart of our lives as well as the unexpected. Earlier in the summer our dryer decided not to work along with the several other appliances. We adapted. “Air-dried clothes smell fresher,” I continue to tell myself. In hot muggy Florida, I'm not convinced.

After a weekend away at a writer’s workshop, I realized I still reached for that intangible normal in my life when it comes to writing. My excuses? Everything.

No more excuses and jumping back into something I love and am passionate about. It’s time…
right now...
to write.

If only I could start with changing the definition of normal in the dictionary.


Marti Pieper said...

Praying for the new normal--and committed to walking with you on this journey.

Blessings and love!

Edwina Perkins said...

It's a little scary. I'm glad you're with me.