Sunday, October 31, 2010

Time to Finish the Cottage Cheese

Many mornings I consume two breakfasts--one imaginary one and another an hour after I get out of bed. As the remnants of dreams hold on to my waking moments like spiderwebs being pushed aside, hunger invades my peaceful morning. And from the low growls in my abdomen, my body demands food.

With no desire to leave the comforts of bed, I prepare a feast in my mind. Blueberry pancakes that are so full of berries no syrup is needed. Not wanting to commit such an injustice, I slather the cakes with the thick sweet liquid. Followed by hickory smoked bacon with the perfect consistency of chewy and crunch. I may add eggs of some form to my imaginary meal depending on how hungry I am. Finally, a cup of hazelnut coffee that remains hot throughout. Yum.

My stomach grumbles not impressed with my first meal. Time to get up.

After making my way downstairs I search the contents of the refrigerator, trying to ignore the red and white container at eye level. Cottage cheese. Not one of my favorite foods, but over the years I've discovered if I start my day with cottage cheese or some form of protein, I feel better.

I push it aside. Leftover pizza does not sound appealing. My sons would thank me later for leaving it for them. Cereal? Nope. I look back at the cottage cheese.

I sigh. "Why can't you taste like blueberry pancakes?"

Will I finish this small tub or will it end up in a lasagna like the last one? I remove the container and grab a spoon. Double-dipping doesn't concern me, no one else eat it. After a quick prayer and an apology to my stomach, I down a few bites.

Before long it feels like my body is thanking me for my choice. My mind told me I wanted one thing, yet my stomach told me I needed something else. If I had given in to my imaginary breakfast and made it my meal of choice, I would be ready to go back to bed. Giving my body something I knew it would respond well to prepared me for the day.

How many times have I asked God, "Are you sure this is the spiritual food you want me to consume today?" He doesn't always give me what I want, but He does give me what I need.

I put the cottage cheese back in the refrigerator. Again at eye level. Will I choose it tomorrow? I don't know, yet God has given me everything I need to do so. With His help I will finish the Cottage Cheese. No lasagna for this one.

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