Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Letters from God

The students filed into class for their first period—some attentive, some still trying to wake up.

I struggled with the lecture to come. I knew it would be short, and it was. Ten minutes after class started I handed each student an envelope.

God, use this in their lives, I prayed.

The content consisted of a letter I’d not written, but they had. A letter written over a month ago addressed to them from God.

The day of the first assignment, the classed looked at me confused.

“You want us to write our own letter from God?” One skeptical student asked.

“More than that,” I replied, “I want you to listen to God. Ask Him what He wants to say to you.”

Papers shuffled, snickers sounded from different tables, backpacks hit the floor.

As the students wrote; I prayed.

Now, one month later, the letters are handed out and the class is asked to respond to what was in the first letter.

Please, speak to their hearts.

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