Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Did You Say "Change?"

Two weddings, three deaths, and a baby shower can summarize this past month in my life. No, these events did not take place in my family, but in my family of friends. Though all different experiences, they all have one thing in common--change.I have heard that word more in the last few weeks than I have in a long time.

However, for the Perkins' household, "change" has become the new "normal". Almost everything people look to for stability in their lives has changed in ours. I'm not saying they are all bad, but definitely different.

Early in life I knew change was not something I enjoyed or gravitated toward. On my 13th birthday, my Mom found me sitting outside crying. Why? Because I didn't want to change into a teenager.

With a year of big transitions coming to an end in my life, here are a few lessons I have learned.

1. Change doesn't happen over night.
2. It requires letting go of something to move forward.
3. Change can bring tears of joy and/or sadness.
4. I don't always end up where I'm headed.
5. I have to draw closer to God to make the journey.

Number five gives me the most comfort, because if there happens to be a change in direction during the transitions that are happening in my life, I have to be close to God to know I'm headed in the right direction.

Life is forever changing, God is not. It's nice to know He remains constant.

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